Wisconsin Destination (DI) Team Manager Ambassador Program

Wisconsin Destination (DI) Team Manager Ambassador Program

Are you a former Team Manager who has returned to Wisconsin DI in a new role? You've come to the right place - join us in the Wisconsin DI Team Manager Ambassador Program to receive continued updates on how to stay #TiedtoDI!

You know first hand that Destination Imagination changes lives- which is why you spent countless Saturdays in the garage supervising your team.  Hanging up your Team Manager hat doesn't mean the fun has to end - there are so many other ways to stay involved!

A Wisconsin Team Manager Ambassador is any person, 18 years or older, who has participated as a Team Manager in the Destination Imagination Program (or Odyssey of the Mind prior to the 1999-2000 season) for at least one full season, and has since returned (or is interested in returning) to volunteer with the program as an Appraiser, Challenge Master, Regional Director, or Affiliate Board/Staff Member.

If this describes you, please register to help us stay in touch and offer opportunities to share your experiences with current and future participants.

Let us know the best way to reach you by completing this super brief Google Form!



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