Have you ever thought to yourself - “I wonder how I can do that?”
I think that’s pretty common amongst DI-ers - we see cool things, and we want to figure out how they were made, how they function, and how WE can make them even better.
The same thing applies to leadership roles that are critical to making Wisconsin DI’s programming possible. Each year, Wisconsin DI recruits, trains, and supports over 500 volunteers across our tournaments. This includes more than 40 Affiliate and Regional Challenge Masters, 10 Regional Directors, 5 Affiliate Board Members, and 3 Volunteer “Staff”.
To be really, really clear - Wisconsin DI is run by volunteers- our leaders are volunteers, our Appraisers are volunteers, our Team Managers are volunteers - the list goes on.
I’ve heard that there is a perception that stepping up to volunteer, especially in leadership roles, requires an invite - or that there are people waiting in the wings to take on roles in the future.
Here’s the 100%, real, honest, hard truth: we need you. There is no one waiting in the wings.
Virtual Session May 15, 2023 :“I might be interested in being a Challenge Master…But What Does that Mean?”
If you’ve EVER even briefly considered what being a Challenge Master would entail, please consider attending our May 15th, 2023 virtual session, “I might be interested in being a Challenge Master…But What Does that Mean?”
Come, hear us out, and then let us know if you’re interested. No strings attached, we promise. The call will start at 7pm, be an hour or less, and we’d love to have you attend live (but we’ll record it too). Register here>>
If you’ve ever considered another role (Regional Director, Board of Directors, Staff, or something else) - we need you! Please reach out to me to learn more about what role(s) entail, get your questions answered, and once again - no strings attached - just let us tell you more!
If you’re still reading - thanks for sticking with me. If you’ve interacted with DI in any way, you know the value it brings to lives around the globe. We need your help to make it possible.
Mikaela Becker
Wisconsin DI Alumni & Talent Engagement Committee Chair
Quick Links
- Register for the Virtual Session:
May 15, 2023 at 7PM CT
“I might be interested in being a Challenge Master…But What Does that Mean?” - View Open WIDI Roles
- Contact Mikaela Becker, Wisconsin DI Alumni & Talent Engagement Committee Chair, alumni@wisconsindi.org