Welcome to the Wisconsin Destination Imagination (WIDI) Team Manager (TM) Training Center
For the 2022-23 DI season, in addition to the monthly TM Coffee Hours, WIDI held TM Training webinars to make sure TMs are equipped to have a successful DI season.
Each session was recorded and can be viewed by clicking on the webinar recording button. Follow the session materials link to view the accompanying resource material for each topic.
New Team Manager Crash Course Training
This crash course webinar expands on the training materials offered by Destination Imagination® (DI) and help prepare you to navigate your team through the DI experience.
Topics include an overview of all Resources available to Team Managers, how best to utilize them, and some practical hands on team builders and resources that you can take back to your team!
Think Like An Appraiser Team Manager Training
In this training Team Managers learn how to break down a Challenge, effectively complete tournament data forms, understand Scoring, and prepare your team for tournament by understanding what Appraisers are looking for as they apPRAISE your team on Tournament day!
This training is open to both experienced and new Team Managers.
Rising Stars® Team Manager Training
Just for Rising Stars® Early Learning Challenge Team Managers (TMs) who want to know more about Destination Imagination (DI), getting started, and best practices for doing DI with this age group.
Learn how to navigate with your team through the Destination Imagination® team journey!
Learn how to use Wisconsin Destination Imagination's tournament registration system, Register Your Team (RYT).
WIDI Team Manager (TM) Coffee Hour
Join Team Managers from around Wisconsin for a one-hour, once-per-month candid conversation about being a DI Team Manager.
Hear from experienced TM's about tips and tricks to help your team be successful! *Coffee is optional!*
Register to get the meeting link*: https://tinyurl.com/tm-coffee
Questions? Email alumni@wisconsindi.org
*If you registered for the 2021-22 Team Manager Coffee Hours, you must re-register for this season. Thank you.
We look forward to chatting with you!
Brought to you by the Wisconsin Destination Imagination Team Manager Ambassador Program
2022-23 Virtual Team Manager Coffee Hour Schedule
3rd Saturday of the Month, 10-11AM CT
- October 15th: WIDI Welcome / Forming Teams
- November 19th: Teamwork & Instant Challenge
- December 17th: Registering Your Team
- January 21st: Preparing for your Tournament (with Competitive and Early Learning Breakout Sessions)
- February 18th: AHH! Will they ever finish?
- March 18th: All Things Affiliate Tournament
- April 15th: Global Finals 101
Rules oF The Road
The first thing a TM should do is read over the Rules of the Road (ROR). This document is published by DI each season and outlines the rules and procedures required to participate in a tournament, regardless of a team's chosen Challenge.
Even if you are an experienced team/TM, you should review the Rules of the Road to learn the details of the Challenge Experience, to prepare for tournaments, and to make sure your Team Challenge and Instant Challenge solutions fit within the rules.
Consider assigning different sections of Rules of the Road to each team member to review and then discuss together at a team meeting.