Tournament Data Forms (TDFs): What are they, where are they, and how do we fill them out?

Tournament Data Forms (TDFs) are forms teams fill out prior to a tournament that will help Appraisers identify the required elements of a Challenge solution so they can award teams all of the points they have earned.  The content of TDFs are to be in the team's own words but Team Managers (TMs) can help with entering information, especially for the younger teams. 

Destination Imagination Inc (DI) is moving to mobile scoring and paper-free tournaments so most teams will be filling out the forms online in the  DI Resource Area for this 2021-22 season. The Team Manager accesses the DI Resource Area by logging in to their own account on the DI site.  Some Wisconsin tournaments are having teams still bring paper copies as a measure of protection and comfort as we transfer over to this new format. . Regional Directors (RDs) or Tournament Directors will let teams know in what format TDFs are to be submitted.

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If you need help while in the the DI Resource Area, click on the life saver icon to be brought to the help section/instruction manual.


Note: Even if your Regional tournament is using paper copies or going hybrid this season, teams need to learn how and be prepared to submit forms online for the Affiliate tournament and Global Finals.

Central Challenge TDFs are challenge specific and can be used as worksheets to help with the online submission process. They are found as the back pages of the Challenge material file. Please see the Tournament Guide (below) and pages 32-34 in the Rules of the Road (in the DI Resource Area) for more details on how team members should complete and submit the TDFs.

2022 Challenge  Specific TDF Worksheets:

  • Rising Stars: Monster Manners - Starry Showcase Form (page 32 in the Challenge materials).
  • Fine Arts: Tricky Tales (Challenge material pages 9-11) - TDF page 1 Team Choice Elements, page 2 brief description of scored elements, page 3 the creative process.
  • Engineering: Roll With It (Challenge material pages 29 - 31) - TDF page 1 Team Choice Elements,  page 2 structure specifications and brief description of scored elements, page 3 the creative process.
  • Scientific: Up Close (Challenge material pages 10-12) - TDF page 1 Team Choice Elements, page 2 brief description of scored elements, page 3 the creative process.
  • Service Learning: For The Future (Challenge material pages 14 - 16) - TDF page 1 Team Choice Elements, page 2 brief description of scored elements, page 3 the creative process.
  • Technical: Daring Escape (Challenge material pages 13 - 15) - TDF page 1 Team Choice Elements, page 2 brief description of scored elements, page 3 the creative process.
  • Improv: Festival Frenzy (Challenge material pages 16 - 18) - TDF page 2 researched festival list, page 3 the creative process.

Competitive level teams also need to complete these forms online and they are found in the DI Resource Area:*

  • Expense report (except Improv)
  • Team Challenge prep list (tc prep) that includes the Declaration of Independence for the Central Challenge
  • Instant challenge prep list (ic prep) that includes the Declaration of Independence for the Instant Challenge

The Expense report and Declaration of Independence are no longer available in the Rules of the Road as they were in the past.

WIDI has provided the expense report file for 1) a tournament that is using paper copies of the expense report and 2) as a worksheet so teams can fill in the online forms.

*Northeast Regional, Green Bay Area DI, and Bay Lake Regional are to bring six paper copies of the TDFs and a paper copy of the Expenses report (get a blank copy below) to the tournament. The prep checklists are to be submitted online.

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